Flo Vinger Flo Vinger

The Ultimate Guide to Low-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks

Many alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories, sugar, and carbs, which can quickly add up and sabotage your weight loss goals. In fact, research has shown that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain and other issues. That's why it's important to be mindful of what you're drinking. Choosing low-calorie alcoholic drinks can help you control your calorie intake while still enjoying a night out with friends. VING Vodka has low calories and unlike other brand’s we list all our serving facts and ingredients with zero secret ingredients.

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Flo Vinger Flo Vinger

How is organic vodka different?

How is organic vodka different? VING Vodka is known for its pure and clean taste, so what makes vodka made with organic ingredients apart from the rest? Simply put, organic vodka is made from organic alcohol. This means that our American non-GMO corn used to create the alcohol is grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals

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